Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies

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Microwave Whirlpool: perfect cooking in less time
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Preparation time
30 Minutes
Cooking time
12 Minutes
4 people
A recipe where different textures bring forward a sensory experience even before serving time
Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies ingredients


  • Rice mixture 180 g
  • Soy drink 180 g
  • Sugar 2 spoons
  • Mararine 120 g
  • Brown sugar 160 g
  • Pastri flour 00 360 g
  • Eggs 1
  • Yeast 1/2 small bag
  • Polverised matcha 2 spoons
  • Chockolate chips 100 g


1. In a microwave safe bowl add the rice flour, the granulated sugar and the soy dring while stirring
2. Insert into the microwave and cook at 750W for 3 minutes
3. Let cool
1. Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies - step1
2. Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies - step2
3. Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies - step3
4. Knead the remaining ingredient in a bowl
5. With the, by now cold, rice mixture create 12 small spheres
6. Create other 12 small spheres with the matcha mixture and press them to obtain discs
4. Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies - step4
5. Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies - step5
6. Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies - step6
7. Put the rice mixture at the centre of each matcha disk and close them to create a cookie shape
8. Put them onto a baking tray lined with baking paper
9. Set the cooking for biscuit feature in the oven and press Start
7. Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies - step7
8. Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies - step8
9. Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies - step9
10. Put the baking tray in the oven and cook for around 12 minutes
12. Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies - step12
11. Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies - step11
10. Matcha and mochi stuffed cookies - step10
Microwave Whirlpool: perfect cooking in less time

Related product:

Microwave Whirlpool: perfect cooking in less time

We offer a wide range of microwaves to bake, roast, fry and cook your recipes with perfect results in less time.
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